The Self-Journal of Science

Rédigé par Clément Stahl 1 commentaire
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PhD Comics
I am really excited to write about the new repository that my friend Michael Bon is just proposing here . The goal of this website is nothing but totally revolutionize the system of scientific publication. Among discussion with my colleagues researchers, I heard many of them complaining about flaws in the actual publication system but a few only found time and motivation to try to make the things change. Michael is one of them and I respect him for that.
The very idea of Michael is that improve manuscripts and scientific results not in a dominated/dominating relation but to open the peer-reviewing to any scientific interested in it. Concretely, if a work is uploaded on his website, any scientist has the right to comment it publicly. The improvement of a manuscript is then not based on a few judges but on a kind of democratic and self-sufficient principle.
Interestingly, the most influential people on this website, when it will be full-steam functioning would be the ones helping by judicious comments to improve articles and honest in their answers regarding their own manuscripts. You can find the full argumentation of Michael why this website is essential for the future of Science together with the comments as he propose it for any manuscript by members of his website here .
Now within the numerical era, establishing a high level scientific debate among all the world seams a totally feasible project. I myself posted one of my work on this website and sincerely hope that this project will take off.
PS : here is an interview of Michael Bon about his project.
Image Credit "Nature vs. Science, Pt. 2," Jorge Cham, PhD Comics, 07/17/2009

1 commentaire

#1  - Christophe Montagnon a dit :

Quel rapport agréable, un grand merci pour ce boulot


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